Der skulle stå
... besluttede sig for 0,5236m for længden af en Cubit, hvorved 6 Cubit bliver 3,1416m - En meget fin værdi for omkredsen af en cirkel med diameter på 1 meter.
Egypterne regnede med Cubit, når de skulle følge med i Nilens vandstand med et såkaldt nilometer:
In the center of the large well is a marble octagonal column was a Corinthian capital. The top of the column is held in place by a wooden beam spanning the Nilometer. To measure the water level, the column is graded and divided into 19 cubits (a cubit equals approximately half a meter), and thus can measure water levels up to about 9.5 meters. The floods measured by this Nilometer were important to both the rulers of Egypt, the Caliph, and the general population. During the summer months, the Cairo Nilometer was used to regulate the distribution of water as well as to compute the levy of taxes paid as tribute by Egypt to the Arab Caliph. An ideal flood filled the Nilometer to the 16 cubit mark; less could mean drought or famine (see Figure 1) and more could mean a catastrophic flood.""Geometry means earth measure, the ancient term used centuries before the greek Eratosthenes “first measured the earth,” who but in reality measured it rather crudely, to only 5% accuracy, having simultaneously (by hour glasses) measured shadows at two locations in Egypt to calculate the distance between them, and so, the earth’s circumference was roughly extrapolated therefrom, having known the earth is a sphere. So who must have measured the globe much more accurately long before the time of Eratosthenes, to have equated the angles and forms of triangles relating to spheres to the true size of the earth, necessarily by much more accurate time measurement?"
"Ancient egyptian geometers knew that the value of pi was represented by the fraction 22/7, so 880 royal cubits was the length of two base sides of Great Pyramid, and 280 royal cubits for its height, because 880/280 equals pi, and thereby, the dimensions of the Great Pyramid of Giza are actually a reduced embodiment of the dimensions of a hemisphere of earth by a factor of 43,200, exactly twice the number of nautical miles which compose the circumference length of the earth, because the base perimeter length of the Great Pyramid is within 0.5% of exactly half a nautical mile, one of the darwinists’ worst nightmares, yet really self-evidently valid, proving how the Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings (Hapgood) were drawn with such precision during the ice age, which in fact began and then ended much later than we are being told."