Författare Ämne: Amerikanska förmödrar kan ha rest med till Island enligt mitokondrisk DNA-studie  (läst 2404 gånger)

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Ja, det blir särskilt spännande att se vilka turer det här kommer att ta.
Betvivlar att forskarna gjort kopplingen till Leif Eriksson redan utan det är nog en privat fundering av den norska journalisten. Det är tydligen otänkbart att Innuiter kan ha haft kontakt med indianer?

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Samma genetiska markör har hittat i en individ daterad till 6000-5750 fvt (PPNB) i Syrien.

Enligt studien så är det en helt ny underklad som saknas i Amerika. Vad den kan ha för koppling till den hittad i Syrien går inte att säga då den syriska har otillräcklig sekvensscreening.

Utloggad Boreas

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Kopplingen til østra Atlantern, Norge - och därmed Leif Eriksson - framträder tydligt i dom analyser som publicerats i USA:


Notably, C1e is one of the rare instances of a macrohaplogroup M sublineage in Europe. Another analogy is Native American D1 lineage detected in ancient Jomon remains, which is also an odd finding because otherwise D1 is restricted to the Americas. The proximity between Japan and Beringia make the D1 finding less aberrant than the C1e finding, but both findings seem to suggest that small Amerindian lineages may be submerged across Eurasia underneath later, more expansive/successful haplogroups. Tamm et al. (http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0000829) also reported the westward movement of C1a and A2a into Siberia from North America and Beringia. Finally, if we look at Y-DNA, hg Q, the most common haplogroup in the New World, is attested in northern Europe (Norway).

The wide geographic spread is very typical of of Amerindianesque lineages in general, which stands in stark contrast with African lineages that are, in most cases, African-specific. It’s also noteworthy that aDNA studies continue to identify more and more Amerindian haplogroups in both New World and parts of the Old World. This suggests that Amerindian lineages were carried by small, demographically unstable demes subject to drift and extinction. As for African haplogroups, they haven’t popped up in any ancient remains outside of Africa.


C1c - ålder:

I was tested by different DNA companies and my mtDNA results are: Haplogroup C1c. The scientist claim the women my daughters and I stem from walked this part of North America – known today as the Maritime provinces of Canada & the Eastern seabord of the United States – Atlantic Region ( My family were born and presently reside in Nova Scotia ).

The scientist claim that we have been here at least 40,000 years and possibly in excess of 100,000 years and that we survived on a maritime diet & pristine water. I have an exact mtDNA match to Demasduit – aka: Mary March – Beothuck. Our oral traditions and history passed down over the generations indicate that the Beothuk are the ancient ones of the Micmac, the Tribe we identify and belong to today. The scientist state C1c are the oldest founding members of North America.


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