Vad är "reservoir effect" ? Kan naturen konservera C14-värden? Fisk?
Jag skickade ett mail till undersökningsledaren ? Mateusz Bogucki för utgrävningarna i Truso, för att höra om mast
indikatorer på de funna skeppen där. På andra ställen anges att (vikinga -)Truso anlades ca 770-780 ( kanske tidiga mastfynd ? ) så han verkar vara lite disträ i sitt svar. Eller är jag felinformerad?
Dr Mateusz Bogucki :
"the ships from Truso are a bit complicated matter. Since the fields, where the settlement is located, are under heavy agricultural use since 19th c. no wood or any other organic remains survived – from more than 20 years of excavation, there are just 2 wooden fragments. The ships are reconstructed on the basis of darker soil in the “ship-shape” and a hundreds of iron nails and paddings, typical for Scandinavian boat building. The C14 dates (we have some) are not very useful for the Viking Age, and in Truso especially, because of the so called “reservoir effect” – the high number of fish remains in the soil, etc. effects that the C14 dates are c. 200 years older, so after calibration they show mainly 9th-10th c. The archaeological dating is much better in this case. The emporium started at ca. 870-880this and existed to c. midd 10th c. In one of the “boats” there was a small dirham hoard form the beginning of 9th c.
So as You see, Truso finds won’t bring much for Your discussion."