Författare Ämne: Samisk påvirkning på norrønt  (läst 5330 gånger)

Utloggad Lappoid

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Samisk påvirkning på norrønt
« skrivet: juni 22, 2008, 22:19 »
Dette artikkelen beskriver lån fra samisk i norrønt samt felles paleo-europeisk substrat i både samisk og norrønt.

Saami Loanwords in Old Norse

ADAM HYLLESTED, University of Copenhagen

There has been an immense amount of lexical exchange among Saami (a Fenno-Ugric language group especially formerly called Lapp) and the other languages of Northern Europe. Several layers of the common Germanic and Saami vocabulary are ascribed to the same, now-extinct substrata (Schrijver 2003, Aikio 2004); Germanic and Baltic have both been very strong contributors to the Proto-Saami lexicon (see e.g. Wiklund 1911, Korhonen 1988, Koivulehto 1992, Sammallahti 1998); the individual Saami languages have replaced a great many everyday words with Finnish, Norwegian, Swedish and Russian equivalents (e.g. Qvigstad 1893, Korhonen 1982, Sammallahti 1998); the northern dialects of Swedish and Norwegian have absorbed a comparatively large number of lexemes from local varieties of Saami (Larsson 1992: 98–99, Dahlstedt 1950, Bull 2004: 186); many place-names in Northern Scandinavia consist of Saami elements (Bull 2004: 187); and Russian has more than 100 Saami loanwords designating natural phenomena, animals and plants (Itkonen 1932). Some loan relations have played a much less significant role and, as a consequence, have been almost ignored in etymological research. The purpose of this article is to convey to the field of Nordic etymology a subfield of Old Norse vocabulary of Saami origin.

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Utloggad Måns Sjöberg

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SV: Samisk påvirkning på norrønt
« Svar #1 skrivet: juli 10, 2008, 08:11 »
Särskilt etymologin för ordet lundi (lunnefågel) känns som Columbi ägg, en tolkning som ligger mycket närmre till hands än den tidigare. Och det är ju egentligen inte konstigt att det fanns samiska lånord i norrönt. Språk kan i princip inte ha kontakt utan att påverka varandra och påverkan är sällan eller aldrig helt ensidig.

Utloggad Lappoid

  • Stammis
  • Antal inlägg: 354
SV: Samisk påvirkning på norrønt
« Svar #2 skrivet: juli 19, 2008, 15:25 »
En noe eldre artikkel om samisk påvirkning på tidlig nord-germansk.

On the Origin of Preaspiration in North Germanic

by Michael Rießler
Institut für Linguistik, Universität Leipzig

Scottish Gaelic and the contacting Uralic language Saami. Outside this NW-European language area PA is attested in some native languages of the Americas and Siberia. In my paper I will argue for the non-Indo European origin of PA in North Germanic. First form, function, and geographical distribution of PA in North Germanic as well as in the contacting IE and non-IE languages will be sketched. Second, problems of the hitherto proposed theories of the origin of PA will be discussed. According to these theories PA is either regarded as areal feature of unknown origin or as an originally Germanic feature borrowed into Saami. I will show that both theories are little convincing. Third, I will argue for the hitherto unconsidered Saami influence on North Germanic.

Kilde: http://www.humnet.ucla.edu/pies/pdfs/iec/iec15/riessler_m_2003.pdf