Den svenske forsker Henrik Janson har flere gange skrevet, at Ansgars følgesvend Autbert/Gautbert/Gauzbert var ærkebiskop i Sverige fra dengang, Ansgar tog hjem efter første besøg ca. 830, og at han og hans mænd samt den frankiske kirkes mand i Sveonien blev angrebet i 845, hvorefter han tog til Osnabrück og døde i 859.
Janson skrev så sent som i 2005, 2009 og 2011, at Gautbert døde i 859. Henrik Janson fik sin PhD med afhandlingen Templum Nobilissimum. skrev han det også: "After his escape from Sueonia (Arch)bishop Gautbert Simon was granted the position of Bishop of Osnabrück. He was respected as head of the Church of Sueonia until his death in 859/60..." er en katolsk side, der giver ham ret, og det gør en del "kilder på nettet" med ukendt afsender også: "Ebbo's relative Gautbert (Simon) became Archbishop of Sweden and built a church at Bjoerkoe. This success incurred the enmity of the heathen, who drove him from the country in 837, and slew his relative Nithard." kilde skriver dette: "Called the Apostle of the North, was b. in Picardy, 8 September, 801; d. 5 February, 865. He became a Benedictine of Corbie, whence lie passed into Westphalia. With Harold, the newly baptized King of Denmark who had been expelled from his kingdom but was now returning, he and Autbert went to preach the Faith in that country where Ebbo, the Archbishop of Reims, had already laboured but without much success." "Kilder" på nettet fortæller f.eks. dette:
"Gauzbert (auch Gosbert, Gautberti, Gautbert, Gaudberd, Goibrecht, Gauthert) war Missionsbischof in Südschweden und von 845 bis 859 oder 860 vierter Bischof von Osnabrück."
"As, however, no new opening seemed to present itself, he accepted, in 845, the see of Osnabruck, which he administered until April 11, 860, when he resigned. He died three or four years afterwards."
"Soon after his appointment as Archbishop of Hamburg Anskar consecrated his nephew Gautbert as a bishop for Sweden. He laboured there as a missionary for several years, but in 845 was attacked and driven out of the country by the heathen . In the same year the city of Hamburg was attacked and pillaged by an army of Northmen led by Eric King of Jutland, who laid waste the whole country and destroyed nearly all the Christian churches."

Encyclopaedia Britannica, som normalt er meget troværdigt, fortæller dette: "Saint Ansgar,Ansgar also spelled Anskar, or Anschar
(...) After 823 he taught in the monastic school at Corvey (“New Corbie”), Westphalia, where he also began his pastoral work. When Harald, an exiled Danish king, appealed to the Carolingian emperor Louis I the Pious for support, Louis dispatched Ansgar to accompany and assist the king in evangelizing Denmark. Ansgar in 826 began short-lived missionary work in Schleswig. Harald’s downfall in 827 and the death of his assistant, Autbert, were blows to the mission, and in 829 Ansgar returned to the Franks.
Her er to katolske sider, som også fortæller at Autbert / Gautbert døde i 829. Olsens ord dukker op – "at forskningen i ikke ringe udstrækning er bragt på afveje af fagfolk." (i fortalen til hans afhandling Hørg, hov og kirke).
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