Författare Ämne: En GPS i ditt DNA  (läst 2873 gånger)

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En GPS i ditt DNA
« skrivet: augusti 24, 2012, 09:22 »
Nu har man utvecklat en modell för att genom en persons DNA kunna avgöra från vilken geografisk ort han/hon härstammar.

Using a probabilistic model of genetic traits for every coordinate on the globe, the researchers have developed a method for determining more precisely the geographical location of a person's ancestral origins.
To test their method, Prof. Halperin and his fellow researchers studied DNA samples from 1,157 people from across Europe. Using a probabilistic mathematical algorithm based on mutations in the genome, they were able to accurately determine their ancestral point or points of origin using only DNA data and the new mathematical model, unravelling genetic information to ascertain two separate points on the map for the mother and father.

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