Författare Ämne: Ragnar Lodbrok  (läst 3116 gånger)

Utloggad Karlfredrik

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Ragnar Lodbrok
« skrivet: februari 10, 2009, 14:36 »
Vem var verklighetens Ragnar Lodbrog? På nätet finns olika uppgifter om honom, han tycks samtidigt vara svensk 700-talskung och dansk 800-tals vikingahövding, og han dog både i pesten i Danmark 845 och i Irland i ormgropen 866.
Vilket är sant, eller har någon blandat ihop olika vikingar med namn Ragnar?

Utloggad Boreas

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SV: Ragnar Lodbrok
« Svar #1 skrivet: april 04, 2012, 12:15 »

One of the things that makes this a difficult question to discuss is that the question "Was Ragnar Lothbrok historical?" is itself somewhat ambiguous. Thus, before the question can be discussed, the question has to first be more clearly defined. To mention two opposite extremes, a skeptic could ask whether or not everything which is said about the character of Ragnar Lothbrok is historically accurate, observe that the answer is certainly "no", and then claim victory. At the other extreme, a proponent of a historical Ragnar Lothbrok could ask if a Viking by the name of Ragnar ever existed, point out that a Viking having the correct name ("Reginheri") appears in the Frankish annals, and claim that Ragnar Lothbrok was therefore historical. Neither of these two extremes is acceptable in a serious argument on the subject, so I will discuss the subject from the following middle ground.


Ny stor TV-produktion om vikingar - 10 episoder baserad på Ragnar Lodbroks saga:


"People think they know about the Vikings -- we see references to them all the time in our popular culture from TV commercials to football teams -- but the reality is so much more fascinating and complex, more vivid, visceral and powerful than popular legend," History Channel president Nancy Dubec said in a statement.

"We will explore the mysteries of the Vikings -- the adventures they took and the people who led them. And we will start to understand a past that is very much part of our collective DNA today."

History Channel's release further describes "Vikings" as a family saga, that, "unlike past movies and dramas that caricatured them as barbarians & will not look at Viking culture from the outside, but from within the heart of Viking society."


« Senast ändrad: april 04, 2012, 12:46 av Boreas »
“It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.”