Dog han två gånger?
Kanske var det en falsk nyhet?
Både ock givetvis, fast man aldrig skal sega aldrig. Det lär numer tillhöra dom grundläggande kunskaper:
On November 8, 1977, Greek archaeologist Manolis Andronikos found, among other royal tombs, an unopened tomb at Vergina in the Greek regional unit of Imathia. The finds from this tomb were later included in the travelling exhibit The Search for Alexander displayed at four cities in the United States from 1980 to 1982. It is generally accepted that the site at Vergina was the burial site of the kings of Macedon, including Philip, but the debate about the unopened tomb is ongoing among archaeologists.
Nu har dom även grävt två gånger i samma grav - och utforskat två olika gravkamrar. Alltså har dom egentligen grävt ut två
olika gravar - men med samma ingångsparti.
A team of Greek researchers has confirmed that bones found in a two-chambered royal tomb at Vergina, a town some 100 miles away from Amphipolis's mysterious burial mound, indeed belong to the Macedonian King Philip II, Alexander the Great's father.
Sen har dom analyserat en hel massa ben och saker - och fått fram ytterligare och än
nyare uppgifter - ännu en gång. Till råga på allt har dom hittat två olika personer i samma kammare - varav en varit kvinna och den andra man. Det kan ju förvirra någon var, givetvis.
Enligt dem forskarna på plats kan man nu slutföra en 45 år gammal debatt om vem gravkammare II i detta kungliga familj-mausoleum tillhört Philip II och hans gutniska eller vendiska prinsessa:
The anthropological investigation examined 350 bones and fragments found in two larnakes, or caskets, of the tomb. It uncovered pathologies, activity markers and trauma that helped identify the tomb's occupants.
Along with the cremated remains of Philip II, the burial, commonly known as Tomb II, also contained the bones of a woman warrior, possibly the daughter of the Skythian King Athea, Theodore Antikas, head of the Art-Anthropological research team of the Vergina excavation, told Discovery News.