Inte vad jag kan minnas just nu i alla fall, men på wikipediasidan verkar en sådan vara beskriven från Lębork.
Romarnas beskrivning av
daker (~113 ad) enligt engelska Wikipedia: "Dacians are represented in the statues surmounting the Arch of Constantine and Trajan's Column. The artist of the Column took some care to depict, in his purview, a variety of Dacian people — from high-ranking men, women, and children to the near-savage. Although the artist looked to models in Hellenistic art for some body types and compositions, he does not represent the Dacians as generic barbarians.
Xenophanes described Thracians as having blue eyes and red hair.
Physically, the Dacians and the Getae had similar characteristics to other barbarians around them (Thracians, Celts, Scythians). Unlike the Greeks,or Scythians and Germanics, Dacians are generally described as being much taller, their skin whiter and with less hair with straight, light-coloured (red?) hair and blue eyes . On Trajan’s column, Dacian soldiers are shown with relatively short hair (although not as short as the Romans') and trimmed beards.
Painting of the body was customary among the Dacians. It is probable that the tattooing had originally a magical significance. They practiced symbolic-ritual tattooing or body painting for both men and women, with hereditary symbols transmitted up to the fourth generation."
- (bilder från bl.a. Trajanus kolumn finns på sidan)