Författare Ämne: Gotland i fokus  (läst 2419 gånger)

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Gotland i fokus
« skrivet: december 13, 2011, 18:41 »
Arbetet med vikingtidens Gotland väcker internationellt intresse;


"[During the]Summer of 2012, we will excavate the deserted farmstead Fjäle in the eastern part of Gotland", reports the team. "We know that it was abandoned around AD 1350, and we have in earlier excavations been able to show that the site has been continuously occupied from around AD 100 until around AD 1350-60. The main aim of the summer’s excavation will be to get a better understanding of the Viking period at the site. In this connection, our main goal is to excavate what is supposed to be a living house, and if the time will be on our side, also a barn."

Although much work is left to be done and many questions still unanswered about the Fjäle farmstead, some significant conclusions can already be made based on the findings thus far. Dan Carlsson's recent project research report about the site indicates that, despite its apparent relative geographic isolation as compared to other sites, it enjoyed a solid connection with the bustling world outside. Notes Carlsson in his conclusions;

"......a picture appears of a farm and its inhabitants who despite their isolated location were influenced to a high degree by European trends in the Baltic area and who were actively involved in the currents of the time.”  Work at the site may thus help shed more light on the connection between harbor sites and farmsteads, and help the investigators obtain a better perspective on the silver hoards that spread all over the island."

The findings to this point are not inconsistent with the historic profile of Medieval/Viking Age Gotland, a land that was a crossroad of trade and commerce during "Dark Age" Europe.

“It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.”