Författare Ämne: Matrester antyder en gradvis övergång till jordbruksprodukter  (läst 9972 gånger)

Utloggad Piankhy

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Matrester antyder en gradvis övergång till jordbruksprodukter
« skrivet: december 07, 2011, 09:26 »
Kemiska spår på keramikkärl antyder att övergången till att använda jordbrukets produkter skedde gradvis.

Ancient Cooking Pots Reveal Gradual Transition to Agriculture

Humans may have undergone a gradual rather than an abrupt transition from fishing, hunting and gathering to farming, according to a new study of ancient pottery.

Researchers at the University of York and the University of Bradford analysed cooking residues preserved in 133 ceramic vessels from the Western Baltic regions of Northern Europe to establish whether these residues were from terrestrial, marine or freshwater organisms.
This research provides clear evidence people across the Western Baltic continued to exploit marine and freshwater resources despite the arrival of domesticated animals and plants. Although farming was introduced rapidly across this region, it may not have caused such a dramatic shift from hunter-gatherer life as we previously thought."


Undersökningarna har utförts av engelska, danska och tyska forskare tillsammans.
Ju äldre desto bättre.

Utloggad Boreas

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SV: Matrester antyder en gradvis övergång till jordbruksprodukter
« Svar #1 skrivet: februari 20, 2012, 22:28 »
Intressant. En svensk arkeologistudent gjorde samma bedömning redan 1984:


The Fertile Gift.
Traition and Inovation in Southern Scandinavia Some 5.300 Years Ago.

ABSTRACT: The main issues discussed in this dissertation are the questions how and why farming and animal husbandry were introduced in southern Scandinavia. The Löddesborg site by the Öresund coast supplied most of the basic materials used in the analysis. Simliar sites in Scania and Blekinge, as well as finds of Limhamn-axes, pointes butted axes, polygonal axes, and dolmens complete the picture of the neolithisation stage. A discussion of site materials from Denmark, Schleswig-Holstein, Lower Saxony, Mecklenburg, and Holland places the situation in southern Sweden in a wider perspective. The produce from farming and animal husbandry is regarded as luxury goods, with no essential importance to the actual survival of the human beings. The people concerned are assumed to have lived in a favourable ecological setting, where they were not compelled to familiarise themselves with a new method of production. Grain and cattle are supposed to have arrived in the course of gifts being exchanged, tributes being paid, and matrimonial alliances being formed, involving neighbouring groups and the "fully Neolithic" groups further to the south. As a metaphor, "the fertile gift" symbolises the introduction of agrarian production which is, in its turn, associated with internal and external relationships.

“It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.”

Utloggad Boreas

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SV: Matrester antyder en gradvis övergång till jordbruksprodukter
« Svar #2 skrivet: mars 03, 2015, 00:52 »
Liknande spridningsmönster lär ha försiggått i England - för 8.000 år sen:

Sedimentary DNA from a submerged site reveals wheat in the British Isles 8000 years ago

The Mesolithic-to-Neolithic transition marked the time when a hunter-gatherer economy gave way to agriculture, coinciding with rising sea levels. Bouldnor Cliff, is a submarine archaeological site off the Isle of Wight in the United Kingdom that has a well-preserved Mesolithic paleosol dated to 8000 years before the present.


In agreement with palynological analyses, the sedaDNA sequences suggest a mixed habitat of oak forest and herbaceous plants. However, they also provide evidence of wheat 2000 years earlier than mainland Britain and 400 years earlier than proximate European sites. These results suggest that sophisticated social networks linked the Neolithic front in southern Europe to the Mesolithic peoples of northern Europe.

“It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.”

Utloggad Boreas

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  • Antal inlägg: 5 477
SV: Matrester antyder en gradvis övergång till jordbruksprodukter
« Svar #3 skrivet: mars 03, 2015, 07:03 »
Fynd av byggmalt från ön Rhum - på Skottlands nordvästra kust - visar att även skottarna hade tillfällen av jordbruk, redan för 8.500 år sen:

Det första jordbrukets ålder i NV Europa blir alltså ständigt äldre. Nu finns också rapporter om 7.000 år gamla fynd efter korndyrkande i norska Östfold.

Förövrigt har Kristina Jennbert som nämnt arbetat fram en mycket intressant översikt över jordbrukets spridning i Skåne - där Ertebölle och jordbrukare med GK-kultur lever sida-om-sida - för drygt 6.000 år sen och vidare framåt:

Närmare översikt över den mer massiva neolitiseringen i norra Europa ikring 6.500-6.000 år f.n. - då klimatet hade blivit bättre och spridningen av lantbruket kunde ta fart:
“It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.”

Utloggad Boreas

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  • Antal inlägg: 5 477
SV: Matrester antyder en gradvis övergång till jordbruksprodukter
« Svar #4 skrivet: mars 03, 2015, 20:55 »
Fynden i England börjar väcka uppsikt:


The remarkable archaeological underwater discovery that could open up a new chapter in the study of European and British prehistory

Remarkable new archaeological discoveries are likely to completely rewrite a key part of British prehistory.

Scientific tests suggest that a major aspect of the Neolithic agricultural revolution may have reached Britain 2000 years earlier than previously thought.

The research - carried out by scientists at the universities of Bradford, Birmingham and Warwick - reveal that wheat, probably already ground into flour, was being used at a Mesolithic Stone Age site in around 6000 BC.

The discovery - just published in the academic journal, Science - is likely to be viewed with some degree of consternation by many archaeologists  because it completely  changes accepted views of what happened in Britain (and indeed most of western Europe) in pre-Neolithic times.


Liknande ålder har tidigare kommit fram i en kvinnograv från England och nämnda fynd av malt-öl från Skottland. Numer blir dessa dateringar ej så 'märkliga' - hursomhelst.  :-X
“It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.”

Utloggad Vetgirig

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  • Skåning, naturaliserad Norrlänning, orienterare
SV: Matrester antyder en gradvis övergång till jordbruksprodukter
« Svar #5 skrivet: april 05, 2015, 11:38 »
Fynden i England börjar väcka uppsikt:
Det riktigt intressanta är varifrån dessa influenser enligt arkeologi OCH dna kommer! Alltså från spanskt/portugisska områden, närmast Galizien. Sedan kan man härleda ursprunget vidare genom Medelhavet fram till Mellersta Östern.
Amatör! Skåning i Norrland!