Författare Ämne: Ancient Lives - Översätt papyrusfragment framför datorn  (läst 2464 gånger)

Utloggad Sindre

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Ancient Lives - Översätt papyrusfragment framför datorn
« skrivet: augusti 19, 2011, 08:43 »
"Ancient Lives presents you with fragments of 1,000-year-old papyri
discovered over a century ago in Oxyrhynchus (the city of the
long-nosed fish). Hundreds of thousands of these ancient papyri remain
waiting to be transcribed. They contain everything from recipes to
receipts; literature to legal proceedings; and even previously unseen
gospels or the work of Plato.

You don't need to speak any Greek to take part and you can make
matches to known works as you transcribe. We hope you enjoy exploring
the lives of the people who lived in Oxyrhynchus over 1,000 years ago."


Utloggad Karlfredrik

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SV: Ancient Lives - Översätt papyrusfragment framför datorn
« Svar #1 skrivet: augusti 19, 2011, 09:39 »
Tack,SindreNågot att pyssla med när jag blir pensionerad?